Saturday, June 5, 2010

UiTM Puncak Alam

assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera,
ini bukan sekadar sebarang perutusan daripada pihak author, malah perutusan live dari Puncak Alam.
demi menyahut seruan pihak admin, diharapkan dengan pengalaman sepanjang 2 minggu di sini dapat memberi informasi tentang UiTM Puncak Alam yang baru sahaja beroperasi selama setahun semenjak tahun lepas.

Buat masa sekarang, proses pembinaan adalah masih dijalankan memandangkan ini adalah bahagian Fasa 1. Kemungkinan bagi Fasa 2 dan Fasa2 seterusnya mungkin mengambil masa bertahun2.
Puncak Alam boleh dikatakan sebagai sebuah bandar yang agak di pedalaman dan dalam pembangunan. Lokasinya yang agak tersorok memberi kami ketenangan daripada kesibukan kotaraya. Sesuai dengan title pelajar, inilah yang diidamkan iaitu ketenangan. Namun begitu, kami mungkin menghadapi sedikit kekangan kerana bas Rapid KL akan menghantar para pelajar yang ingin keluar ke Klang Sentral terlebih dahulu dan kebanyakan daripada kami ingin menghala ke arah Shah Alam. Tapi mungkin bas untuk pulang ke Kelantan atau negeri masing2 dari Klang Sentral. Oleh itu, tidak menjadi masalah untuk mengambil bas daripada Klang Sentral ke Shah Alam.

Semua facilities masih baru dan tidak lengkap. Staff dan lecturers ramai yang baru. Pada asalnya, para pelajar asasi hanya di kuotakan seramai 1000 lebih sahaja. Tetapi memandangkan ramai yang mendapat tawaran, hampir mencecah 3000 pelajar Asasi sahaja. Di Puncak Alam, hanya terdapat certain2 course sahaja. Seperti Asasi Sains, Asasi Kejuruteraan, Farmasi, Sains Kesihatan. (yang lain saya kurang pasti, maklumlah pelajar baru) Satu suasana yang tak dapat digambarkan dengan kata-kata melihat para pelajar yang hampir kesemuanya cemerlang2 SPM. Sekali review rata2 mendapat keputusan sangat cemerlang. Competition sangatlah tinggi di sini. Konsep pembelajaran di Universiti, siapa cepat dia dapat. Anyone doesn't care about you. Even kadang2 you have to be super quick dalam mendapatkan apa2 sahaja regarding to infos ke, tutor pnyer soklan ke, lecture notes ke, you have to be really2 updated. And i once remembered what our PM(pembantu mahasiswa) said, "Korang duduk sini jangan bodoh sombong nanti korang jugak yang rugi." And yes that's actually true. That's why networking is very2 important here. Just be friend to whoever you met. In the bus ke, kelas ke, dewan lecture ke. Be nice to them and they will be nice to you too. Everybody is at the same par. Mind that. What we need to do is study smart and do the best. Ignore other factors that encouragingly you to laziness. Don't lepak2 too much. You are here for only one year! Sabar sabar. Your aim here is 4.00. And lots got it before. Well you kno lah, the lodgement for critical courses like medic, dentistry and pharmacy are very very LITTLE. so, instead of that try to indulge yourself to be more flexible by encouraging yourself into other interesting subjects. There are tons of choices instead of those three hardcore courses. It's not like im discouraging you, but just want to mind you, we propose God dispose. And make sure we are prepared for such things before it really happens. Yes, our ambitions are important, but the most important thing lies beneath it is our faith to Allah. If we have faith in Him, everything would be just fine. Here, for Asasi Sains, you have to take up 4 subjects (Maths,Chem,Bio,Phy) and for asasi kejuruteraan, im sorry it's my bad for not knowing about it. Since our life here is always busy and it depends on you to make full use of such buziness or not. You also have to take MUET and at least got Band 3. The best is Band 6. We, the first batch of foundations in Puncak Alam will be taking our MUET test in October. Hopefully all of us will pass coz it's one of the MUST to be passed before you proceed to your degree. And the pass mark is C. If you get C- then you are fail. Scary uh? And now, im just from my desk struggling with chemistry questions. It's not that tough but i need people who can improve my skill of understanding here. I'm stuck! aiyooo. so in this such time, i have to be firm and try to find other alternatives, such as friends, lecturers or by your own research. Don't take it hardly, play it steadily. You will find the joyment behind it. Don't ever let yourself half-way-ed like me here. Study study then online. haiyaa..don't copy me ok.

And for the accomodation. Here PUNCAK ALAM is tiptop! Im grateful for it. Alhamdulillah. It is comfortable and convenience. If you have laptop, it would be easier for you to do assignments. No need to rush to Bilik IT and compete to get your PC. It's free by the way. Tiada kejayaan sepahit hempedu bukan? Live it and enjoy it. Sigh-ing is not good. But sometimes, it relieves you. The library access is not bad. But don't try to compare our library to Shah Alam's. We're just small and need to be improved from time to time. But yet, we can still found many intereseting books here. Make sure you go round the whole library then you'll find one. BELIEVE ME. ^^

For kerohanian pity us because we dun have mosque yet. At least we come out with the Kolej Angsana's cafetaria hall to be our temporary mosque. For the girls, we have musallas in each blocks. Since the space is small and just nicely pack with jemaah lelaki. InsyaAllah we'll have a mosque someday.

Getting your meals here is not a big matter. Just go to any counters. Hit them and giv them cash. VOILA. eat ur meals. senang and kenyang. HAHA. oh my, one more thing, mostly of us just use backpack since there are a lot of books tobe brought around. And the distance from our college kediaman to faculties ain't a stone throw away. So mostly of us will bring along telekung and other things that are needed during the time before going to next class. Our schedule is really2 packed. Some until 7 p.m. and mine alhamdulillah until 6 p.m the most.

so, i guess that's all i can write for the time being for PUNCAK ALAM version. If i do ever have thoughts on this next time. It's my pleasure to share with you. so long readers. ADIOS. salam. pray for our success. four flat. ^^


ikangmakangkucing said...

I'm ex-asasian of uitm for 09/10.Keep on studying hard bcoz the competition to get into critical courses is very keen considering also there are more or less 3000 asasi sains uitm now.There must be a few who might leave asasi for mara and jpa but still you have lots more to do. My experience during my asasi time is most students didn't adapt to the the final exam even they did well during tests and quizzes though. We are about 500 students altogether excluding asasi ngine and the stiffnes to take preferred courses is already there even 4 the 4 flat students.Anyway I'm wishing you the best of luck.

Anonymous said...

aku x pndai mano main blog2 nie....
ajar la etep...
nk buat post jugok nie...

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